Heather & Jonny’s Beautiful Wedding at Redworth Hall Hotel

We love venturing further afield for a wedding and so we were really looking forward to heading up to Redworth Hall Hotel, in County Durham, for Heather & Jonny’s gorgeous big day.

They had it all – a fabulous setting in the Great Hall where they made their vows to each other, wonderful sunshine for the entire day and an amazing group of family and friends to share it all with:)

It’s been a long engagement for them so everyone was pleased as punch when they finally tied the knot after 13 years and 3 beautiful children together.  A massive congratulations to both of you.

Heather & Jonny looked gorgeous, the venue was amazing, the grounds were wonderful for spending an afternoon milling about in and the speeches, well they were awesome including a very special one from their eldest Nathan, “thank you to mum and dad for our X-Box”….hear hear:)

It was a really special day and great fun to photograph as Heather & Jonny and all their family and friends were fabulous to spend time with! We especially loved the “Egyptian” stylee dancing during the afternoon. Awesome xx

HeatherJonny and his groomsmenJonny and his groomsmen enjoying a bit of quite time before the ceremomyHeather & Jonny
Final adjustments on HeatherAhhh.....seeing Heather for the first timeHeather looking stunning and ready for her big dayThe Great Hall at Redworth HallCool Dude!Nathan looking suitably happy for his dad on his big day
Ella looking suitably unimpressed!Are the nerves getting to Jonny at all?They certainly were for Heather :)Wow, the stunning Great Hall at Redworth Hall HotelHeather & Jonny
A proud husbandA little portrait shoot on their wedding day. We love this bit :)A little portrait shoot on their wedding day. We love this bit :)
A little portrait shoot on their wedding day. We love this bit :)A little portrait shoot on their wedding day. We love this bit :)A little portrait shoot on their wedding day. We love this bit :)A little portrait shoot on their wedding day. We love this bit :)A little portrait shoot on their wedding day. We love this bit :)A little portrait shoot on their wedding day. We love this bit :)
Heather & JonnyHeather & JonnyHeather & JonnyHeather & JonnyHeather & JonnyHeather & JonnyHeather & Jonny
Heather & JonnyHeather & JonnyHeather & JonnyHeather & JonnyHeather & JonnyNathanNathanNathanNathan
These guys weHeather & JonnyHeather & JonnyHeather & Jonny
Ahhhhhhhh.....The stunning Redworth Hall Hotel, Bishop Aukland

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